
Park Avenue could be the most charming street in Aiken and SC.  #downonPark is an initiative to expand the downtown footprint and increase activity along this corridor.
Collaboration ideas being thrown around:

Branding the area.

Enhancing our walkability charm.

Integrate with the beautiful parkways.

Regular events the 3rd Weekend of every month.

Joining Aiken Together efforts to create a path between the SRS Museum at the #topofPark and the Train Station #downonPark.

Increasing retail desirability and traffic.

More music!

Collaboration ideas being thrown around:

Branding the area.

Enhancing our walkability charm.

Integrate with the beautiful parkways.

Regular events the 3rd Weekend of every month.

Joining Aiken Together efforts to create a path between the SRS Museum at the #topofPark and the Train Station #downonPark.

Increasing retail desirability and traffic.

More music!

Bring your ideas!

Don’t just sit around and wait for the change you want to see – go out and make it happen!

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